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Millumin's ideas !

Millumin's ideas !


474 results found

  1. I News to do loop mide between columns or the posibility of do links between columns

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  2. The area for labelling each row/layer is very limited. I have to severely abbreviate labels all the time

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  3. Pressing enter key should exit the Column info pop-up and exit naming box of a segment.

    Often times I think it does and keep renaming the segment with multiple spaces as I try to play the timeline.

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  4. There should be a total run time for video playback in the cue panel or above each clip in the Dashboard.

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  5. recording midi or data input on Timeline

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  6. I would like to be able to select than one cell at a time in the dashboard. This would enable the ability to drag all the selected clips to a new location.

    I would also like the ability to change certain media properties for all the selected clips. For example changing the loop mode, the timecode mode or premultiplied.

    Not all settings should be adjustable in multiple selected mode.

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  7. Rather then create a timeline or adjust auto follow timings, i would love to be able to simply add timings to a still image. It would add to a fluid work flow

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  8. Would be great to have the ability to stream from within millumin instead of using any other 3rd party apps.

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  9. I’d like to have full control over leading and kerning. Why can I only add line spacing but not subtract it?

    Please also fix the fact that you can’t select from a full font family. Many designs utilize different weights of the same font. It’s really frustrating not being able to access them.

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  10. Ability to control a spare computer during shows : same Millumin project opened on 2 computers linked via RJ45, each cue on the main project would trigger the spare one.

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  11. LFO(oscilator) node, to be used as animation tool for animating all kind of properties that have video files such as opacity, position, scale..,..or even more if u are usning quartzComposer, for instance, I have made an particle qtz composition publish lot of parameters and all of them are wisible in milumin inspector bar ( properties bar on right side),.. this would be nice to expand even more, like to have audio input parameters like peak or waveform to be used as input parameters for lfo animation start point….
    ..extention… all this can be done withinn QC, but those setup work…

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  12. make it so that when you apply mapings to a layer millumin will tell you the dimensions of the layer after the mapping, so you can build new content for your specific sections!

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  13. show motion path when position is changed in keyframe mode
    smooth motion , orient object to path show keyframe (Toonboom like)

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  14. When moving a media, apply motion blur.

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  15. 4 votes

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  16. Sync frame to frame every material in the Timeline, something similar like an video editor. Possibility to move to every frame with the cursor or any other key.

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  17. Possibility to create a custom tri/quad mesh for warping.
    It could be easier and more precise to warp the content on hard edges this way.

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  18. 4 votes

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  19. When you create different slices of the same layer (with the slice editor), it automatically creates new layers into the dashboard. An Expand/Extend button would allows to see only the "reference" layer in the dashboard or all the slices layers if desired.

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  20. the possibility to map launchpad s / mini with devices midi and set the rgb led color for passive / pressed / active state.

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