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Millumin's ideas !

Millumin's ideas !


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  1. send the output of millumin to an apple tv, even just for when working in the studio to preview things

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  2. for conference situations, its helpful to have a background layer which will stay playing no matter how you control your different columns in the dashboard (if you press "Stop" by mistake)

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  3. 1st - The ability to export and import the screen soft edged calibration.

    2nd - More advenced options for color, gamma ... correction of the "Softedge" area only - the ability of making a selection for adjusting only the portions of the outputed screens that are overlapping (making color and other adjustments to the whole outputed screen as you can do it now isn't always convenient and you can't blend two beamers in one picture perfectly)

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  4. As we can send some control via Osc out of Millumin (opacity, scale...) with the "API Feedback" option, it could be a great idea to send osc message with other parameters (Isf generator, effect...) with custom adress.

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  5. If i have a bad loop that 'snaps' or 'flashes' at its loop point, it would be great if the file auto faded back to itself. this is actually a feature of PVP2 that i always loved and would be great to have in Milli.

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  6. Move several column together as we can with the layer . T'en it will be easier to move a scene which contain several column ! Just simple , non ?

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  7. Millumin is getting used more and more as an extension to PPT and Keynote for live corporate presentations. IMHO - there are only 2 things preventing it from eventually being fully adopted as a complete replacement to PPT or Keynote:

    1. The ability to select animation presets (glorified macros). For instance, select "move left" and the software automatically creates what is required to accomplish the effect.

    2. The ability to quickly export a presentation to some form of simple PDF that can be distributed for client review.

    1 is something I would imagine would likely develop naturally over the product life cycle.

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  8. control millu( à partir du launchpad de novation

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  9. as above, eg click toreturn to begining of timeline, click to jump to next clip

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    • Being able to program all instances of Millumin (master & slaves) from the master (similar to how Dataton Watchout does it)

    • Not only running shows, but also creating them

    • Being able to load media from the master to the slaves, create compositions on any of the slaves and trigger clips from the dashboard so that we can create flexible visual shows that are either on a timeline or triggered.

    • Media could be transferred either via Ethernet or WIFI

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  10. For kinetic installations and use of moving head lights or moving head video projectors it would be great to have a visual feedback on a preview window

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  11. Hey guys! What about to think possibility to make compatible Orbec depth sensor, instead only Kinect? These sensors (Orbec) are most accurate than Kinect (up to 8 meters range) , and there is a lot of developers already using this systems.

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  12. Hi, i try to get a sampler vidéo to create looper live from a webcam.
    I mean exactly the same effect of a looper audio pedal, but with an webcam vidéo input. I try to search some software, but i can't find anything.

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  13. Would be great to add a virtual space that you can import 3D objects in and setup your projection mapping in before doing the show for real.

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  14. Hold shift or alt while dragging a segment break to shift all following segments and keep their timings.

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  15. It would be nice if we could somehow show a videos countdown or countup on the workspace for the TD. (Of course, we would have to run another output to them likely... but having this ability would save time. right now i have to put an mp4 clock there, figure out the timing,etc)

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  16. In the optimisation process of a show, we usually have to reduce "heavy" timelines (many layers or medias exceeding the size of the canvas)

    I think that the following sequence :
    1 - export timeline to a file (with or without alpha)
    2- duplication of the timeline and reduction to a single layer (but keeping the segment breaks)
    3- import of the file in the new timeline
    could be integrated in Millumin as a "flatten timeline" function, in the timeline menu. Would be even greater if a link would be kept to the original timeline for further editing, in case…

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  17. It would be great to can see Davinci Resolve Output in Millumin. It is possible with their own card (Decklink for example)
    Thanks a lot !

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  18. When using NDI Media with render audio enabled it would be nice to get audio routing possibilites. I dont know if I am missing it? But it doesnt seem to appear right now. Also - the vumeter you have at under Send audio via NDI doesnt seem to appear.

    All the best! /Jesper Berger

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  19. In preference pane, as we can choose % for lights, we could choose dB (dBFS) as the audio unit.
    It is much more appropriate for anyone who has an audio background !
    Thanks in advance !

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