474 results found
audio levels in dB
In preference pane, as we can choose % for lights, we could choose dB (dBFS) as the audio unit.
It is much more appropriate for anyone who has an audio background !
Thanks in advance !7 votes -
Linux Version of Millu Node
Says it all - at least Millu Node should be available as a Debian package working on Raspberry PIs or similar devices. Would replace the NDI player that I am currently using.
7 votes -
Audio routing for live audio sources
Audio routing for live audio sources (NDI, live audio/video input capture device, etc) will be good idea. Mechanism is same as audio routing of media files
7 votes -
Mesh warping
In the existing Transform feature, it would be great to be able to add sub divisions (mesh warping), so that each output screen can be acurately mapped to objects
6 votes -
Build in Camera Recorder
It would be great to be able to record and playback from cameras. So record an actor at one half of the stage, and play it back with a mask, while he moves to the other side of the stage, having 2 actors on a tv screen, and one of them are live.
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6 votes
direct from disk
movies are played directly from disk, no preload to ram - good for those of us who have 4 sdd raid6 arrays with 1000mb/sec data rate
this would be a global setting in preferences
6 votes -
target multiple layers when copying using the slice editor
once you've marked out an area in the slice editor from a layer, it targets the layer it was coppied from, you can then set the target layer.. all good except, it would be great to target more than one layer at the same time
6 votes -
premiere plugin
would be awesome to play our video from premiere because of the timeline control. And when you have a whole show on remiere we could play the timeline in millumin synced with the one in premiere.
6 votes -
projecteur led particulier....
Bonjour, il serait super pratique d'avoir la possibilité de créer des templates de projecteurs led.
Et pouvoir ainsi renseigner le nombre de paramètre et leur rôle....
Dans mon cas par ex: par led RGB
1er paramètre: red
2eme green
3 eme blue
6 intensité6 votes -
add interaction control on surface corners
it would be useful to be able to control transformation corner position to do video mapping transitions
6 votes -
Incremental autosave
It would be very helpful to have an automatic save function that also had incremental backups, so that it would be possible to return to previous versions of a project without having to save it as a different project.
Also useful if you accidentally delete detailed keyframes and don't realize it until after you save.
6 votes -
6 votes
6 votes
Surface Start point
When creating custom surfaces, I would like to be able to change the default pixel start point to the upper left corner, being 0x0. Not center of the screen. This will make it much easier to map LED walls and Projectors.
6 votes -
Input DMX values for Fixtures as 0-255 as well as % of intensity
I need to input specific values for my fixtures and right now I can only input as a 0-100% I think it would be real easy to have the option to input the values as 0-255
6 votes -
Import files in library via mouse right click menu in library windows, please
I always get confuse that it doesn't work that way ;)
6 votes -
Launch/relaunch column using OSC (/millumin/action/relaunchColumn [id] ['name'])
Mimic v1 behaviour in that /relaunchColumn would launch or restart a column. In addition to new v2 behaviour that /launchColumn will not restart a playing column. Both methods are useful.
6 votes -
OSC feedback of "loop mode"
it would be useful to have, because we have external displays for remaining time, but its sometimes confusing if people dont know if the video is looping or not. Thanks.
6 votes -
Add an "OPEN" button on the splash screen
"Welcome to Millumin"
version . check . facebookCreate New Project
. OPEN . <<<<<
(could be "Open Project") . Or if you wanna get really minimallist sexy, you could just have icon of a looking glass or a graduation hat "Learn"
and an icon of a disk "Open" and icon of a blank paper for "New"6 votes
- Don't see your idea?