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Millumin's ideas !

Millumin's ideas !


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  1. 11 votes

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  2. Multiple canvas can help to display images over multiple videoprojector without being bored with the exceed of images on the edges (which is not the case if you "share" a canvas with several projector: a big image overlap on several projector). In many cases, timeline is useful to quickly edit and synchronize over the time what happen on several projectors (that are display through several canvases). Multiple canvases for the timeline is essential to use the canvases feature unless we have to go back to Millumin 1 process.

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  3. When you create an interaction it's being active in you're whole show.
    When you use different sensors in a complex show to trigger video, lights, you want to deactivate sensors to prevent that they trigger in a scene that you don't want them to.
    For example I trigger a light with my voice but I only want this to happen in the first part of my show.
    This would be a fantastic change and this could give us the opportunity to make much more complex shows!

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  4. Since I tried Millumin only for a very simple videomapping (showing slide & show input camera from a webcam), why don't you release a very light version with only these features? It can be cheaper than the full version. I won't buy the full version because it's unfortunaly too expensive for me and I'm not interested in the advanced features for big show... Thank you in advance

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  5. Add "comments" markers in composition that can also be seen when played in the time panel of the dashboard

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  6. Request for following shortcuts or hotbuttons:

    • jump one second ahead
    • jump one second back
    • select every clipcontainer on the right of the playhead
    • jump to next/previos keyframe
    • jump to next/previos segment


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  7. Right click a movie over the library create a trimmed timeline from the selected asset.

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  8. It'd be helpful to have a button to mute the audio for the whole layer next to the hide and lock buttons.

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  9. Ability to control ILDA laser over the network to be used with Visualizers like Depence2 & L8
    with line tracing ( mapping ) capability

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  10. more edit options like trim,slipt, scrubs, marks etc like a screenflow, fr example.

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  11. Marquer des repères sur une mire par exemple et exporter ces marques vers un logiciel tiers.

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  12. 9 votes

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  13. Drag select in compositions and keyboard shortcuts would be very nice.

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  14. 9 votes

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  15. I'd like to use remaining time to trigger an action. I'd like to launch an audio file that announces "1 minute" when there's 1 minute remaining, then "30 seconds", "20 seconds" and then a 10 second countdown, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, etc..."

    Ideally, I'd like to even be able to tap into the timecode over OSC so I can have another app (Octopus) trigger these actions.

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  16. I'm using data tracks to control Qlab and open and close the shutter on our Panasonic projectors. Although I have successfully used Millumin once to use Art Net sends to the projectors every other time it seems to blast multiple commands and ends up turning off the projectors instead. I now have a simple 3 cue Qlab session that 'just works' so am leaving that open in the background and sending midi from Millumin.
    To help problem solve though it would be good to be able to enable/disable data tracks on the dashboard so you don't have to delete (and…

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  17. 16 bit dmx input for controlling layer position smoothly from a lighting console

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  18. ISF effects dragged to timeline/dashboard work like after effects adjustment layers and process layers below them.

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  19. The delete key should not delete an entire layer track, it should delete the most recent selection, be it a clip inside a track or a piece of content in the library, or a keyframe on a timeline (possibly also control mapping).

    Millumin is amazing and in general intuitive and easy to use, but I have found one major element that sticks out as being a continual source of confusion. When I hit the delete key it always deletes the currently active track layer. I see no reason that this would ever be someones intent.

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  20. I'd like to be able to drag a folder from finder and have the folder automatically add any new content added to the finder folder without having to manually add it to the millumin folder. Perhaps an option for live sync on specific folders?

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