474 results found
Video playback speed control
Millumin is perfect for interaction with live elements like theatre and dance, but there is no master speed control, and as we know actora and musicians are not robots, so they change their tempo every night.
We need a smooth speed control that can be mapped to a midi controller.
This can be achieved by midimapping the speed of each clip, but that is very clumsy and only affects each cell and not an enitre column.
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Interaction with Mask
Possibility to have interaction with feather, scale, opacity etc...
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2 votes
Faster way to Preview
Hi guys,
I have Milumin 3 and using the preview grid.. but
It would be nice to have a faster way to preview columns instead of clicking in + button from preview grid all the time and change the column you want, it's just long.
For example being able to right click on column you want and send to preview straight away ?
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Zoom et scroll à travers Teamviewer et Partage d'écran
Hello, un phénomène qui nous ralentit lors de nos calages de mapping monumentaux et que le clic maintenu sur le canvas ne passe pas à travers teamviewer ou partage d'écran, du coup pour scroller dans le canvas on doit dézoomer à fond et rezoomer, ou retourner à la régie principale. Résoudre ce soucis permettrait d'avoir une régie déportée complète il me semble. Un mode de déplacement dans le canvas n'utilisant pas le clic maintenu conviendrait aussi tout à fait.
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Select the column to launch next
Instead of launching the column next to the current one, select another one, so this one is launched when the user press SPACE.
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save as v2
As Millumin3 is not compatible with older osx, it may be usefull to be able to save V3 project down for V2-only machines !
Thanks for your great job !
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How abour a manual...?
Stop slacking and make a manual.
Thank you
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OSC command to continue playing a layer after pause
I'd like the ability to restart a paused layer using a discrete OSC command:
/selectedLayer/continue or /layer:MYLAYER/continue
This would allow for a clip to be paused, loaded to a time and then played from that point.
The existing /selectedLayer/startOrPauseMedia toggle could be replaced with this command for start, while using the /selectedLayer/pauseMedia for pause.
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Interactions - bind start media to a specific column.
Similar to the way that you can bind a launch column #XXX in interactions, I would like to have the ability to bind an interaction to a specific media.
When deleting a column for example the link currently gets broken as the position of the target media changes. With bind this would not happen.
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Auto Go specific column launch bind
When using Auto Go and launch specific column, it should be possible to bind this to a specific column, so any column deletes/inserts are tracked.
Perhaps this should be a default behaviour so the column is always tracked?
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Bypass input in Interaction learning
Ыometimes I need to temporarily disable the assigned input to decide whether I need it or not. It would be cool to add a button for bypass input in interaction learning (for example by clicking on the input label).
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Reverse playback and Cycle resume <-->
Really lacking these features.
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copy/cut/paste a selection multiple columns
It would be great to have the possibility of copy/cut/paste a selection multiple columns (to reorganise board for example)
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Effects also crossfade
Tried to put a white border on video pips over a wide background and discovered the borders don’t transition with the cue change. They wait until the end and snap off. Took them off because it looked weird. Want borders to respond to transitions the same as the content.
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divisions for edge blend
more often than not, the corner adjustments alone in the blending settings are not enough; the edge can overlap perfectly but the inner lines stay adrift.
having further divisions will help with perfect alignment throughout the blend area2 votes -
zoom shortcut on timeline with mouse (CMD+scroll)
Being able to use the zoom feature in the timeline (same as shortcuts CMD+ / CMD-) through using the mouse (for example: CMD scroll-up / CMD scroll-down)
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adjust left column's size
In the dashboard window, layers names are cropped if too long.
It would be great to be able to adjust the width of this column.2 votes -
Control master level output on a per canvas basis
Currently Millumin allows access to the master level fader by osc command but this is a global (all canvases) master.
I would like to be able to have a master fader for each individual canvas created, with a command that has the canvas name in the osc command.
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2 votes
- Don't see your idea?