Projector Warping
A flexible warping engine enables to project on arbitrary projection screens.

Available in Millumin V4 (mapping, warping and masks at canvas level, as well as curved outputs)
Sawan Wadhwa commented
This feature should be available now. I have written about it here:
Leo Jonson commented
This feature is most needed. I can't believe it is not available yet. Follow the link to connect -
VJ Katza commented
Yeah This feature is most needed.
shion commented
Can't believe i'ts not available yet...
dan commented
6 years in the work?
This what holds me from buying millumin as I need an IN-OUT warping engine on each output.
Syphon is not an option as it adds 1 or 2 frames of latency and is very bad for live feeds. -
Michael Voccola commented
This would be excellent to have right on each output. Currently, the only way I can do this is via using Syphon and re-entering the output either into the same workspace or a second Millumin instance and applying warping to the layer.
While this approach works, the complexity is much higher than if it were right on each output. Worst of all, going through Syphon greatly increases the video latency.
Alen Mecan commented
Thanks a lot for including this!
Vioso does it very well, it would be incredible to have this in Millumin! -
Roger commented
Yes Please on each Output
Gnomalab commented
yeahhh, planed! :-)
Anonymous commented
Maybe dome projection? I worked with Vioso to get this one done in real time:
AdminPhilippe Chaurand (Maker, Millumin) commented
It's planned and I'm currently working on it :)
Best. Philippe