Windows version

Justin Yong commented
Big fan of Millumin on the Mac, would be great to have a PC version.
Anonymous commented
Hello Millumin Team, I just bought your software and found that it is only available for Mac. I would also pay the normal price! I see so much potential in your software !!! But since I work under Windows, especially with Microsoft Kinect 2, your software is unusable for me. So life is. I and many other users would be happy about a Windows version and support you with it. I am with you if you also provide a windows version. Stay healthy. Best regards Sebestian
B commented
Windows version merci.
I no longer use Apple anything but love Millumin.
Until then I will use MadMapper.
Almost 10 years waiting. -
Didier commented
oui super sous windows parceque passer sur Mac est un cout enorme
Anonymous commented
Please please please
Jo commented
Jez commented
Definitely need a Windows version, PCs are just so much more flexible in a production environment
Anonymous commented
yes please .... apple hardware is so damn expensive and windows systems more flexible (graphic boards ...)
Anonymous commented
Je n'achèterai pas un Mac pour un logiciel. Dommage de nous pousser vers la concurrence...
Anonymous commented
Please let me know when you have created a Windows version.
constant commented
Ce n'est pas parce que les choses sont difficiles que nous n'osons pas, c'est parce que nous n'osons pas qu'elles sont difficiles. - Sénèque.
constant commented
PC, maintenant, c'est mieux! les gens de madmapper l'ont fait vous y arriverez!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Il y a beaucoup plus de PC que de Mac et a puissance égale meilleurs marché !
Anonymous commented
who can afford buying macs for video production?
windows very much needed please -
Luz_Mala commented
Prefiero pagar por una versión de Millumin que por una mac desactualizada!
Dmitry commented
Please ! A windows version
Pradeep Kumar L B commented
there are many hardware possibilities with a PC.
lot of our servers are windows based.
Please ! A windows version !
Percival Crasto commented
Would Really love to adopt Millumin on a Large Scale with Windows.
We have all windows based media servers,, which are flexible and affordable to customize based on needs.
ChrisRod commented