lower your price
i'm considering your software for a future installation however your prices are simply way too high for any upcomming artist.
How do you justify the high price and aren't you worried about your image as being unfriendly in that sense.
a price around 200€ and i know at least 10 people in copenhagen who would have supplied themselfs, there venues and maybe their art-institutions with bought copies of your software.
I guess now the only real way is either make your own software that looks and functions like yours or go with The Bay.
Nice software btw, i got a working full install rightnow thanx to the internets.
This is not an idea, so I declined it.
I wrote you an email to explain you why this price : but I dare you to find a lower price for a product with videomapping functions, a timeline, multiscreen management, good ergonomics, …
Best. Philippe